Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So, 2 hours later I'm still laughing about something Liam said this morning. We were eating breakfast (pumpkin pancakes.... yum) and Liam said, "Daddy, show me your juggles?" I just about peed my pants laughing. He was asking Bryan to juggle, but really it could have meant a lot of things. He might be the funniest 2-year-old ever.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I'm sick! I'm congested, coughing, have a low grade fever and yesterday had muscle aches too. I'm really hoping the kids don't get sick too.

Today is also day 4 of potty training Liam. He's doing great. I guess if we're going to be stuck inside we may as well potty train.

This morning Liam made me reenact the presentation of Simba from the Lion King movie using his little sister as the baby lion. He was the monkey and used a golf club with a slinky on the end as his walking stick. He even used his thumb and pretended to smear something across Neala's forehead. I was the mommy lion and he insisted that I lick Neala to clean her.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Throw her outside?

So it happened. Liam told me today that he wanted to "throw Neala outside". He was upset that I was changing her diaper and outfit and not paying attention to him. He has been so sweet with her, so I was surprised when he decided he wanted her to be thrown outside in the 20 degree weather. You wouldn't know that I spent 2 hours with him at the Ecotarium today. We had fun and he was so well behaved. I guess he got a taste of being an only child again and like it. Actually, Neala was with us but slept the entire time and for the whole ride home. She been taking great naps in her car seat when we are running errands, but only takes cat naps at home. At least she still sleeps well at night!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

After the longest break ever from blogging.....

I'm back!!!!!

I just looked at all my old posts and I'm so sad that I haven't been keeping up with this. I can't believe how much Liam and I have changed since I started blogging. We also have our newest addition Neala to talk about.

Neala was born 11/14/09 at 5:11 am with a speedy 2 hour and 50 minute labor and delivery. Thank you very much Neala! She is a wonderful happy baby and her big brother just adores her. He has asked me every day since the day she came home if we can keep her. He calls her, "baby girl", "princess", "sweetie pie" and "Neala Gracie".

Here are some recent photos of the munchkins.....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A few new things

I'm horrible at keeping up with this blog. Hopefully a few cute pictures will make it all better.

I recently made Liam a superhero cape. He loves the Disney movie, "The Incredibles" and has aspirations to be Dash, the super fast little boy. I found some wool felt on sale and decided to give cape making a try. It came out pretty cute, so now I have to invest in better fabric and make a new one that will actually hold up in the wash. Since these pictures were taken, I've added snaps to the collar.

So now that I'm sewing a lot more, I've decided that I need a new machine. I have a very basic Brother from Walmart. I've been looking at Janomes and will hopefully have the DC2010 very soon.

Have I mentioned how smart my child is. He made this golf cart out of legos without any help at all. He was so proud of himself.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

After a Very Long Break

I have been MIA. It has been a busy summer full of playing in the yard, taking a dunk in the kiddie pool and going to the farm. Baby #2 will be along in less than 4 months and we are starting to think about all of the things we need to do. We need to redo the nursery to make it girly and Liam needs a big boy room. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!

I'm also thinking about redoing my blog. I think it needs to be revamped, but I haven't decided. Stay tuned.

Here are some sort of recent pics to get you through until the next post.

Wearing Liam in a Mei Tai in 90 degree heat and 25 weeks pregnant. What was I thinking?!

A wool set that I knit for the new baby.

Falling asleep on the couch after a very busy day and no nap.

Liam wearing his underwear on his head. What a goofball!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Liam!

Liam turned two about a week ago and he had several Birthday parties. I'm pretty sure he thinks that his Birthday is the entire month of May. Here are a couple of photos from his family Birthday party.

Bryan and I also took Liam to Southwick's Zoo for a belated Birthday outing. He loved seeing all the animals and riding on a carousel. I wasn't particularly impressed by the zoo. The lack of bathrooms was particularly annoying since I'm pregnant and have to pee all the time. Bryan and I have been to some really great zoos, so this one just couldn't compare. It was a good size for Liam. He was asleep in the car about 3 minutes after we left.